If you follow social media, you have surely seen the trending topic regarding Justin Timberlake’s controversial selfie while casting his vote. In our media age of constantly photo and video documenting our lives, our millennial mind set tends to be that our lives are an open book and nothing is off limits. Surprisingly for so many facebookers, instragramers, snapchatters, and redditers, there are certain legal limitations.
North Carolina General Statute § 163-166.3 outlines a person's limited access to the “voting enclosure.” The statute states the following:
“Photographing Voted Ballot Prohibited. – No person shall photograph, videotape, or otherwise record the image of a voted official ballot for any purpose not otherwise permitted under law.” N.C. Gen. Stat. § 163-166.3(c).
This law forbids taking a photograph or video or the ballot itself, but it also prohibits taking a photograph, videotape, or otherwise of a voter within the voting enclosure without their permission and the permission of the chief judge in your precinct. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 163-166.3(b). The voting enclosure is defined as the room within the voting place that is used for voting. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 166-165(9); (“Voting place” means the building or area of the building that contains the voting enclosure. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 163-165(10)).
Therefore, snap and share JT’s #rockthevote message any time before, after, or while standing in line outside your voting location. However, once you step foot into the voting room, refrain from bringing your SexyBack and keep your phone tucked away.
Published by Admin on November 4, 2016